ThreePoint Consulting serves a unique set of clients, including Professional Services firms, Education organizations and privately-owned businesses across a range of sectors.

Our work and expertise in these distinct, but complementary areas, enables us to bring creative problem-solving techniques and solutions to clients.


While our clients’ missions vary, they share a common set of needs:

  • Align compensation with desired behaviors and priorities
  • Give people the confidence that pay practices are clear, fair, and equitable
  • Do the best you can with available resources
  • Reconcile competing priorities

Whether your focus is attracting and retaining exceptional teachers, linking partner compensation to sustained contribution or developing a new long-term incentive plan for senior leaders of a private company, we can make compensation work for you.

Our Professional Services Practice

Professional service firms ARE their people – the partners, consultants, and sales professionals who develop client relationships, serve clients, create intellectual capital, and market the firms’ services. Whether your focus is management consulting, accounting, law, engineering, brand management, or executive search, your success depends on whether individuals at all levels behave in ways that support the firm’s goals.

Sample challenges from professional services clients

  1. "We are losing people to competitors and have heard that compensation may be contributing to our high turnover."
  2. "Our end-of-year discussions about distributing the partner bonus pool are always very contentious."
  3. "We are not sure that we are driving the right behaviors to grow the business for the long-term."
  4. "Our pay system is too complicated – people don’t understand how the program works."
  5. "Partners suspect we are overpaying business developers who are invited in to help close business rather than originate new client assignments."

Our expertise

ThreePoint Consulting uses a simple design thinking process: fully understand the problem; involve users; develop a range of solutions; proto-type, test and iterate; and implement. We bring clarity and fact-based recommendations across these service offerings to guide clients through making decisions and implementing change.

Our Professional Services clients benefit from the following areas of expertise:

  • Partner compensation plan redesign
  • Professional pathways for both associates and partners aligning expectations and compensation
  • Business developer sales compensation plans
  • Competitive pay benchmarking for consultant and staff roles
  • Admission of new partners and linking rewards for retiring partners to sustained firm value
  • Change management and implementation

Our Education Practice

ThreePoint Consulting works with charter school networks, independent PK-12 schools, and education non-profits to address complex compensation and performance measurement issues for teachers, school leaders, and other education professionals.

Education organizations have the unique challenge of providing a high-quality education for students with limited financial resources. We believe that the best way to maximize student learning is to maximize teacher quality – and that means hiring good teachers and rewarding and retaining the best. A well-developed compensation program is an essential tool to make this happen. But we also understand the hurdles you face – limited time and resources, compensation systems and change-resistant cultures.

Sample challenges from education clients

  1. "We need to attract and retain high quality teachers, principals and administrators."
  2. "We want to evaluate our teachers’ performance in a fair and effective manner."
  3. "We have limited resources to reward our people and want to make sure we’re spending our dollars wisely."
  4. "We want to design a compensation system that incorporates some element of teacher contribution, but we don’t know where to begin."
  5. "We want the board to understand how teacher salaries compare to the local market and increase pay system transparency where it makes sense".

Our expertise

ThreePoint Consulting uses a simple design thinking process: fully understand the problem; involve users; develop a range of solutions; proto-type, test and iterate; and implement. We bring clarity and fact-based recommendations across these service offerings to guide clients through making decisions and implementing change.

Our Education clients benefit from the following areas of expertise:

  • Compensation philosophy
  • Competitive salary and total compensation benchmarking for teachers and staff
  • Salary structure redesign for teachers
  • Professional pathways for teachers aligning what matters most at the school and sustained contribution
  • Change management and implementation

What we believe about education

Teachers matter. The best way to improve student learning is to make sure there is a high-quality teacher in every classroom.

Differentiated pay. Rewarding teachers who grow professionally and contribute the most to a school's positive performance and culture is the right answer for some organizations.

Transparency and fairness are critical. To be successful, a new compensation system must be clearly understood and considered fair by all parties. Ideally, teachers, principals and other stakeholders should participate in the design of any new compensation system.

Instructional leaders play a critical role. Instructional leaders must have the tools, capabilities and will to fairly evaluate teacher performance. However, total responsibility for evaluation should not reside solely with the instructional leader. Other administrators and teacher leaders should also play a role.

Compensation is just one piece of the puzzle. Educators want to be paid fairly. Non-financial rewards such as a positive school culture, effective school leadership, meaningful feedback, opportunities for professional development and a sense of purpose, autonomy and mastery, are all critically important.

Our Privately-Owned Company Practice

ThreePoint Consulting helps privately-owned clients of all sizes and industries solve their most challenging compensation challenges. We work with you, using your input and data to craft pay solutions that are customized to your company’s needs. We also keep the end in mind, building support among key stakeholders and positioning you for successful implementation.

Sample challenges from private-company clients

  1. "Our current bonus plan does not have any component of individual performance – we want to move away from a profit-sharing approach but think measuring individual performance might be too difficult."
  2. "Our phantom equity plan does not fully align the interests of executives and shareholders – changes in our business strategy, leadership team and in the external market have not been adequately reflected in long-term incentives."
  3. "Our sales professionals are not focusing on the types of things we need to do – we think our compensation plan may be sending mixed messages."
  4. "Our performance targets always seem to miss the mark – either they are too easy or too difficult given the circumstances that unfold during the year."

Our expertise

ThreePoint Consulting uses a simple design thinking process: fully understand the problem; involve users; develop a range of solutions; proto-type, test and iterate; and implement. We bring clarity and fact-based recommendations across these service offerings to guide clients through making decisions and implementing change.

Our Private-Company clients benefit from the following areas of expertise:

  • Compensation philosophy
  • Competitive salary and total compensation reviews
  • Annual incentives
  • Long term incentives, including phantom equity plans
  • Change management and implementation

To learn more, please review the ThreePoint Corporate Practice Case Studies.


Some examples of high stakes decisions in each of our verticals

Professional Services

  • Comprehensive review & recommendations for quotas, variable comp, incentives, crediting & sales validation for sales professionals at a major accounting firm during the Covid pandemic

  • Salary and bonus structure for partners at a global management consulting firm after spinning-off from a public company

  • Equity incentives and grant levels for partners at a high-growth executive search firm

  • Professional pathway model design, progressive pay opportunities and partner level assignments


  • Teacher salaries linked to what matters most at a Pk-8 school

  • Professional pathway model to support growth and rewards for teachers progressing in their careers

  • New teacher supervisor role definition and salaries for the initial group of incumbents

  • Teacher salaries and benefits for a new campus in China

Private Companies

  • Tiered salary reductions and a deferred comp plan for senior leaders during the Covid pandemic

  • Post-acquisition short and long-term incentive redesign for senior management

  • Compensation packages for family members at a 4th generation family-owned business

  • Phantom equity plan for executives at a global family owned company